The Legend of Tangkuban Perahu Mountain


Told that Sungging Perbangkara's King goes to hunt. In the middle forest Reigning pisses that resettled deep caring's leaf (forest taro). A female boar named Wayungyang what does intermediate to get asceticism wants as man drink previous urine.

 Wayungyang is pregnancy and bearing a pretty baby. That pretty baby is taken in to court by its father and given name Dayang Sumbi or Rarasati. There are many reigning one keeps company with it, but an even no that accepted. Finally reigning mutually belligerent between its humanity.

 Dayang Sumbi its own at one request alienates self at one hill is accompanied a male dog which is The Tumang. While busy gets to weave, toropong (torak) one that mean was utilized to get cloth weave falls downwards. Dayang Sumbi because falts slack, most utterance papyrus without at thoughts before, she kepts faith anyone that takes torak who falls if get male gender, will make its husband. The Tumang takes torak and given unto Dayang Sumbi. Dayang Sumbi finally bear male baby given by Sangkuriang's name.

While is Sangkuriang hunt in forest be enjoined the Tumang to run after Wayungyang's female ham. Since the Tumang disobeys, then be killed. Heart the Tumang by Sangkuriang given unto Dayang Sumbi, then is cooked and be eaten. After Dayang Sumbi knows that one be eaten is heart the Tumang, its resentment is even culminates at moment's notice head Sangkuriang is hit with spoon that made from coconut so wound shell.

Sangkuriang goes to wander drawns round the world. After such a degree eastwards walking long time finally is up to at westwards again and subconsciously was arriving back at Sumbi's Lady In Waiting place, its mother place lies. Sangkuriang doesn't know that pretty daughter that found is Dayang Sumbi his mother. Interlaced by love story between mankind second that. Unpurposedly Dayang Sumbi knows that Sangkuriang her son, with wound sign at its head. Although such Sangkuriang makes a abode to force to take in marriage it. Dayang Sumbi asks for that Sangkuriang makes boat and lake (lake) in the period of as nighted as with dam Citarum's river. Sangkuriang accetted.

Therefore at makes boat of one tree which grow at east aim, stubble / that tree subject is changed as mountain ukit Dam. Its stick is superimposed at western and as Mountain Burangrang. With help guriang, even weir well-nigh finished being worked. But Dayang Sumbi gets to besought to Hyang that Singles intention Sangkuriang not materializes. Dayang Sumbi diffuse boeh rarang's slice (yielding white cloth its weave), while that too dawn even chaps at east horizon. Sangkuriang becomes wroth, culminated by its resentment, weir those are on Sang Hyang Tikoro be broken down, rivers streaming cork Citarum was thrown by it eastwards and manifesting becomes Manglayang's Mountain. Bandung lake water becomes to blow over back. Boat that worked by gets pains be kicked northwards and changed form becomes Tangkuban's Mountain Boat.

Sangkuriang continually run after abrupt Dayang Sumbi gets lost at Putri Mountain and changed as as stalking as jaksi's flower. There is Sangkuriang even afters comes unto one the so called Ujung Berung finally gets lost to magical nature (ngahiyang).

Tangkuban Parahu's mountain or Tangkuban's Mountain Boat is one of mountain which lie at West Javanese province, Indonesia. About 20 northwards City km Bandung, with pines treed bowery and tea garden carpet around it, Tangkuban Parahu's mountain have high as high as 2.084 meters. This mountain form is Stratovulcano by centers erupsi that moving of east to the west. Rock type that issuing to pass through eruption most is lava and sulphur, mineral that is issued is sulphur fumigate, mineral that is issued while mountain is not active be yawning brimstone. Tangkuban's Mountain region Boat brought off by Perum about forest. Temperature average its daily is 17oC in broad daylight and 2 oC in the evening.

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