Diamonds from Indonesia has other advantages compared to diamonds from abroad such as rust and cleanliness. So it's been well known in the international world, that diamonds Indonesia is one of the best diamonds in the world.

The main diamond producing area in Indonesia is Martapura, South Kalimantan. Diamonds from the area has been exported overseas. Diamonds from Indonesia can compete with foreign diamond and today many countries are claiming that diamonds from Indonesia was generated from the country.

From the available data reveals that it's been a lot of precious stones of Indonesian fans, especially in Europe and Asia. In addition to the high carat, diamonds from Indonesia, too many motives and types and are not owned by divergent from other countries.

At the moment this is being done in order to attempt to make the legalization of Indonesia such diamonds fully recognized by the world and no longer admit countries. In addition, it also continues to promote this type of diamond from Indonesia in the international arena. .

Diamonds as precious stones lies to its hardness and optical characteristics and diamonds Indonesia already has a good quality. However, to make a better quality diamond again need to be addressed by the artisan. And to continuously improve the quality of diamonds from Indonesia, currently being cultivated diamond cuting tool that uses a green laser to clean the diamonds of objects or particles that stick. Most existing diamond craftsmen who have it but most of them are still using manual tools or still sober.

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